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CPRE Herefordshire’s Dark Skies project wins international award!


Our Dark Skies Herefordshire project received the prestigious DarkSky Bob Gent Community Leadership Award at the International ‘Under One Sky Conference’ on 9th November 2024.

This global honour, from DarkSky International, recognises our community-led commitment to protect Herefordshire’s night skies and address light pollution. Chris Peterson, Engagement Manager for DarkSky International, commented:

“The DarkSky International Awards Committee recognises your remarkable efforts in addressing light pollution through citizen science, volunteer engagement, and influencing local policy. Your collaboration with parish councils and local businesses to promote Herefordshire’s dark skies is truly exemplary.”

The award acknowledges both our achievements and the power of community action.  Yolande Watson, CPRE Herefordshire Executive team member who founded and leads the project, and her dedicated group of volunteers (see photo below) work in close partnership with Visit Herefordshire, Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, and the Wye Adapt to Climate Change Project to protect and promote Herefordshire’s dark skies, while raising awareness about the harmful effects of light pollution.

CPRE Herefordshire Dark Skies Herefordshire team
Back row from left to right: Jon Lee, Chair of Pyons Group Parish Council; Jon Parr, Fownhope Parish Council Environment Group; Kevin Braybrook, Vice Chair of Fownhope Parish Council; Clare Cherry, Archenfield Community Environment Group; Keith Maslin Herefordshire Astronomical Society/Astrophotographer; Tara Emery, Herefordshire County Destination BID, Will Warburg, Walford Parish. Front Row from left to right: Yolande Watson, HCPRE and Lead for Dark Skies Herefordshire; Tracy Price, Herefordshire Wildlife Trust Leominster branch; Anthea Morton-Saner, Fownhope Parish Council Environment Group; Jessica Wood, Hampton Bishop Parish; Helen Warburg, Walford Parish  

We’re motivated to expand our work further and collaborate with other initiatives to establish dark sky-friendly practices across the region. To learn more, get involved, or support our project, visit our Dark Skies Herefordshire project page here.

Find out more about Dark Skies Herefordshire

CPRE Herefordshire’s Dark Skies Project Wins International Award
CPRE Herefordshire’s Dark Skies Project Wins International Award CPRE Herefordshire