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Here's how you find out where the local election candidates stand on protecting our beautiful county!


As we approach the local elections in Herefordshire we’re joining with partners Herefordshire Wildlife Trust, Friends of the Upper Wye and Friends of the Lower Wye to put our agenda for nature’s recovery to the leading politicians of the key political groups in the county. Join us in the ‘Wilder Herefordshire Assembly’ on Thursday 27th April, 5.30 pm, at The Kindle Centre, Hereford, HR2 7JE and ensure our local politicians take action to protect our surroundings.

We’ll be asking politicians standing in the local election to outline their vision of what a nature-rich and Wilder Herefordshire would look like. We’re also working to win their commitment to use their powers to deliver this by 2030. This would achieve our ‘fair share’ of the UK Government’s commitment to protect 30% of land [and sea] for nature by 2030.

Your voice is so important

By turning up, speaking out and taking action, we’ll show politicians that nature really matters for people now and in future. Then we can use our combined numbers (over 6500 members), to hold candidates and elected members to account on their commitments after the local election.

Please join us in this vital show of strength, it’s free but places are limited, here’s the link to book.

Our agenda

Let us know (at what you think of our developing ‘Wilder Herefordshire Assembly’ agenda – our first four requests to make of our politicians are below:

1. Work with us to create a Wilder Herefordshire…

  • Meet with us twice a year during the next 4 years to drive progress on our Wilder Herefordshire Assembly asks for Nature.
  • Ensure that Herefordshire Council’s Corporate Director for the Environment and Cabinet Member for Environment and Economy joins us at these meeting.

2. Support us to take action for nature…

  • Create the proposed Essex Arms Wetlands site.
  • Create 5 new allotment sites of at least 50 plots and promote their importance for wildlife (good habitats for reptiles and pollinators).
  • Create two countywide campaigns with us, to increase hedgerows & to stop using pesticides for Council land and contracts.

3. Lead nature recovery at scale – deliver the UK Government commitment for 30% of land in Herefordshire to be protected and managed for nature by 2030. Work with ourselves, the farming community and landowners to deliver the ambition:

  • Work with us to create a Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) underpinned by robust and best available evidence within a year of coming to office.
  • Co-design a clear approach with us for Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) implementation.
  • Work with us to create a tangible plan for Nature recovery in Herefordshire and ensure 2,500 hectares outside designated sites is protected and managed for wildlife during the next four years.

4. Commit to our “Recover Our Rivers Charter” for the river catchments of Herefordshire:

  • Call for an immediate moratorium on all new chicken sheds and unproven AD units in the Wye Catchment until the catchment is in good health. This should include all IPU applications that are currently under consideration in the planning system plus any as yet unbuilt sheds which have permission.
  • Publish all the water quality data and manure management information you hold – and then step up to enforce the law and regulation with the powers you have and pressure the regulators to do likewise.
  • Join our rivers roundtable this summer with farming leaders, Environment Agency, Natural England and businesses to create a shared vision for halting farm pollution. This vision must have clear goals to restore nature in healthy rivers which local people and visitors can enjoy.
  • Reward farmers for providing public goods and enable them to diversify into regenerative and sustainable methods of production which cause less pollution – tell us how you’ll use your powers to support the farming industry?
Graphic of swifts and knapweed in silhouette
We're planning to find out if our local candidates stand for a healthier county